London Photo Show

9-12 Nov 2023 11AM-6PM


This endeavour has been a heartfelt labour of dedication, a year-long collaborative effort that has us brimming with excitement as we come together to present our work at this unique exhibition. It's a tradition we have proudly maintained for the past three years.

Each photographer embarked on distinctive and meaningful individual projects, meticulously bringing their artistic visions to life through the crafting of images.

Jovis Howieson Jovis Howieson

Thomas Burroughs

“I hope the viewers of the project can almost feel the music when they see the images. The project was fun to shoot and hope that comes across in the exhibition.”

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Jovis Howieson Jovis Howieson

Brian Duffy

“I hope my images will make people smile, perhaps even laugh, as they view the expressions and actions or the scene around the people in my images.”

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Jovis Howieson Jovis Howieson

Ian Harrop

“I want the viewers to get a feel for low level photography, and to perhaps experiment with the technique themselves. It is a dramatic way of viewing the world and can be quite liberating.”

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Jovis Howieson Jovis Howieson

Tim Bechervaise

“With most of these photos, I’m first curious by the setting — whether that’s the lighting, a building, the background or whatever. I then wait for a moment or person — what many call the fishing technique — to complete the picture. “

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Jovis Howieson Jovis Howieson

Jovis Leigh Howieson

“I have a passion for capturing the essence of people and intricate details in my photographs, intending to stir intense emotions in viewers.”

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