Celebrating Women Photographers

This page is dedicated to women photographers in UPC.

We strongly acknowledge and appreciate the work of women photographers. Women have played an integral role in shaping the field of photography, both historically and in modern times, documenting the world around us, capturing the beauty and complexity of our environment, and telling powerful stories through their images.

Many pioneering women photographers have paved the way for future generations, such as Julia Margaret Cameron, who is known for her stunning portraits in the 19th century, and some notable women photographers include Dorothea Lange, who documented the struggles of migrant workers during the Great Depression; Diane Arbus, who captured the lives of marginalised people in New York City; and Annie Leibovitz, who has photographed some of the most iconic figures of our time. Cindy Sherman and Sally Mann have also made significant contributions to the art form.

It is important to recognise and celebrate the work of women photographers, not only because they have made significant contributions to the field but also because it helps to inspire and empower future generations of women photographers. By acknowledging and appreciating their work, we can help to create a more inclusive and diverse photography community and ensure that the voices of all photographers are heard and valued.

Despite facing challenges and barriers, women photographers continue to push boundaries and break new ground in the field. We must recognise their achievements and support their work, both as individual artists and as a collective force in the art world.

The images below are just a few examples of the many talented women photographers in UPC. We are honoured and privileged to continue to support and uplift women photographers today.

The Women Photographers